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The Iwc Ingenieur Replica' first mountain biking adventure was in Val Venosta. Our guide from Naturns’s Otzi Bike Academy took us by minibus to start the trail.IWC Ingenieur Replica It takes an hour to reach Lago di Resia. This artificial lake is known for its 14th century church steeple which protrudes out of the water. You can walk to the frozen lake in winter. According to legend, the bells are still ringing even though they have been removed since the lake was created.

We start off with a short photo shoot, then hop on our mountain bikes for a 65 km ride that has an altitude of +80m/1,000m. Don't underestimate the damage 65km can do to you!

It is a popular route for families because it is mainly on trails and crosses roads only on rare occasions. The medieval town of Glurns, with its wooden bridge and porticoed street, is a great place to stop and take in the scenery. The road takes us through Spondigna, Prato allo Stelvio and Laas. Laas is known for its marble. You can see the steep railway that brings marble down the mountain from the cycle path. The marble used in the New York City Ground Zero Monument was this exact same marble.

The apple orchards are as far as the eyes can see as we descend into the valley. Our guide tells us that this region is responsible for producing over half of the apples in the country. One out of ten of Europe's apple crop comes from this area. The apples look delicious and I'm unable to resist the urge to go scrumping.

The region is not only known for apples;IWC Big Pilot Replica it is also famous as a place to find Riesling. This wine matures later and at higher altitudes than other wines. Naturns takes great pride in its Riesling. Each fall, the town hosts a month long event to celebrate its wine. The Riesling Gold Award goes to the best.

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